Outsourcing Truck Transportation

Outsourcing Truck Transportation: The Ultimate Guide to Outsourcing Truck Transportation

When a business is deciding between outsourcing truck transportation and its truck fleet or purchasing trucks for their own private fleet, they start by determining what aligns best with their short term and long-term business needs.  Private fleet owners are straying from the traditional path of buying trucks to add to their fleet or replace aging equipment.  Instead, they are outsourcing transportation or part of their truck fleet operations to companies like PITT OHIO, who provides dedicated fleet services.  Here are a few considerations that will help you decide if outsourcing truck transportation and your truck fleet is right for your business.

Outsourcing Truck Transportation Takes Care of Increasing Costs

  • Outsourcing does not require a large upfront investment and has limited extra charges to help you better budget.
  • Purchasing requires a large sum of money upfront. Equipment depreciates in value and if a loan was used to purchase the fleet, the value of the truck may be less than you expected for resale once the loan is paid off.

Outsourcing Combats Unexpected Repairs and Regular Maintenance

  • Outsourcing gives you access to a qualified team of mechanics if things go wrong and minimizes downtime and interruptions to your supply chain if you need to borrow a replacement vehicle.
  • Purchasing puts the responsibility of repairs and regularly scheduled maintenance on you, in addition to managing payments and insurance.

Outsourcing Truck Transportation Means You Can Keep Up with Modern Equipment and the Latest Technology

  • Outsourcing allows for you to stay up to date with the latest technology and equipment advancements.
  • Purchasing means that your fleet vehicles and equipment will continue to age and depreciate, while your technology also lags behind the industries latest changes and improvements.

Outsourcing Allows for Brand Customization to the Vehicle

  • Outsourcing with other fleet management providers often limits your customization options. But with PITT OHIO, the possibilities are endless. Custom decals on tractors, trailers or vans are available and we can even customize the inside of a vehicle with freeze protection, racks, and more, specialized just for your freight.
  • Purchasing your own fleet comes with ultimate flexibility because you own it. However, this might require hiring an expensive third party to make these customizations.

Assessing where you are currently at and where you want to take your business will help you to determine if outsourcing your truck fleet makes the most sense.  Think about what kind of support feels right for your fleet and business and connect with PITT OHIO for your outsourcing needs.